
At MacArthur Financial, we believe that well informed clients make well informed decisions. We also appreciate that you have many demands on your time. That’s why we are committed to providing you with educational and inspirational information that is current, insightful and relevant to your financial life and business.

While we have included several educational items on this website, we also maintain an extensive library of information at our offices. If you would like to learn more or receive additional information on financial topics of interest, please contact us.

Articles & White Papers

Speaker Programs

Bob MacArthur

Bob MacArthur has been a consultant to corporate America for over 30 years. Having designed executive benefit plans which have positively influenced hundreds of executives and their companies, Bob has seen a thing or two and has a large repertoire of anecdotes, tips and best practices that inform, entertain and enlighten employers, executives and professional advisors.

He understands how easy it is for executives to get wrapped up in their jobs and not take the time to strategize how their executive benefits have the potential to generate enormous wealth if planned properly. He helps his audiences think deeply about what’s possible, affirm what they really care about, and confidently build a path to their personal goals.

Bob is a gifted and passionate speaker who has spoken to groups of corporate executives, employers, and professional advisors.

If you are interested in booking Bob as a speaker for an upcoming meeting, event, or audience-or if you want Bob to conduct a customized, private session for your colleagues or clients, please email or phone Jennifer Pescatore at: or 203-909-6533.

Ron Ware

Ron Ware, founder of Wealth Impact Partners, is a personal legacy advisor who educates, motivates, and empowers individuals, families, and business owners to clarify the purpose of their life and their wealth. He helps them think deeply about what’s possible, affirm what they really care about, and confidently plan to make a significant impact on the people, causes and organizations they care about most.

Ron is a gifted and passionate speaker who teaches regularly on behalf of tax, legal, financial, and other professional colleagues and charities.

If you are interested in booking Ron as a speaker for an upcoming meeting, event, or audience – or if you want Ron to conduct a customized, private session for your clients, advisors or charity – please call or email Glenna Mann at: 781-489-9802 /

You can view a description of some of Ron’s most popular presentations, which can be tailored for our organization, at .