Advisor Services for Attorneys & CPAs


A large portion of our business is dedicated to serving as an independent and confidential resource for other advisors to address their corporate and individual clients’ planning needs. Services can be provided behind the scenes through your firm or via direct client interface-on a case-by-case basis. Simply put, our goal is to add to your credibility-through technical intelligence and comprehensive resources-delivered objectively, promptly and thoroughly. Several of the processes and services we provide to other advisors include:

Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Plan implementation or audit of in-force Plans

Forensic review and analysis of corporate benefits, life insurance contracts, illustrations and pricing decisions

Insurance policy monitoring and management so that policy performance and benefits remain on track and continue to meet the client’s objectives

Litigation support for cases involving life insurance, including opinion letters, reports, recommendations and court testimony

Identification of life settlement options and their probable costs

Second opinion underwriting consulting to help avoid the risk of being denied coverage or the surprise of receiving a premium offer significantly higher than planned

Private briefings for attorneys and accountants on insurance industry issues to assist with advisor due diligence

Services for Attorneys and Law Firms

Attorneys and Law Firms

When developing and implementing complex planning strategies for clients, we place high importance on coordinating our efforts with legal advisors to provide insight during the execution of legal documents that impact the client’s plan. We also proactively involve legal advisors in our process of developing and implementing planning strategies for clients in areas such as:

  • Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Plans
  • Company-sponsored Executive Benefit Plans
  • Estate Planning, including inter-generational issues
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Life Insurance and other Risk Management Planning Techniques
  • Asset Protection Strategies
  • Income, Estate and Gift Tax Planning
  • Special Needs and Elder Care Planning
  • Charitable Planning Strategies

Services for CPAs and Accounting Firms


Many of our planning strategies include tax-sensitive issues. As a result, we place high importance on coordinating our efforts with CPAs to provide insight into areas impacting clients’ tax, executive benefits, and estate planning issues.

Through our many years of partnering with CPAs, we understand the importance of objectivity, confidentiality, transparency and competency for the engagement in our working relationship. As a result, we are regularly called upon by CPAs to provide resources and technical support. As with attorneys, our practice is to proactively involve CPAs in the process of developing and implementing strategies for clients. These areas may involve:

  • Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Plans
  • Company-sponsored Executive Benefit Plans
  • Personal and Business Income Tax Planning
  • Sale or Purchase of a Closely-held Business including Business Valuation
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Estate Tax and Liquidity Planning
  • Life Insurance Tax Issues
  • Complex Insurance Structures
  • Buy-Sell and Split Dollar Arrangements